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[Pan-users] Re: Is it possible to change the language used by the spellc

From: Nicolas Cavigneaux
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Is it possible to change the language used by the spellchecker
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 08:45:29 +0200
User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table (Debian GNU/Linux))

On Mon, 31 May 2004 07:44:29 -0700, Duncan wrote:

>> So I've to submit a patch to filter messages using any header and
>> another one for the dictionary switching. I've got a lot of work ;-)
>> I try to write it as soon as possible and then I submit it.
> I'll be looking forward to seeing them "coming to a PAN version near me!"
> <g>  Altho I've been compiling my own PAN from tarball for awhile, and am
> now working on switching from Mandrake to Gentoo, where I compile

Gentoo is a very good choice :-)

> EVERYTHING from source, I'm sure many Mandrake users will thank you for
> getting spell checking for them as well.

I'll be the first to be happy to have such a possibility with Pan. If I
can help other Pan users (including Mandrake users), it's a good thing too ;-)

> Unfortunately, I DON'T have the necessary skills, at least not yet, but I
> DO try to contribute as best I can by answering questions on the list
> where I can, thereby hopefully freeing the folks that DO have the skills
> to use their time for programming rather than answering questions.  <g>

I think that your help is very important, you're often answering on this
list and a lot of persons need this help. By helping all users of this
list you do help developers to spend their time on the programming. You
are a contributor to Pan Project.

Have a good day.
Nicolas Cavigneaux | GPG KeyID : F0954C41
address@hidden  |

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