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Re: [Pan-users] Preview "corrupted"

From: David Shochat
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Preview "corrupted"
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 19:27:41 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

roderick wrote:
Within the last three weeks the image preview often displayed as if the image
itself is corrupted.
Is this not the same issue as that discussed in the very long thread "Previews gone screwy"? See the archives, starting on 9/26. One of the later messages mentioned a patch in a pan bug report. I found this patch unnecessary when I was running Ubuntu 7.04 but necessary when running the new 7.10. From what I recall, it was actually an incompatibility with GTK+ that showed up recently (2.11?). It was left undecided whether it is actually a gtk+ bug or not. But whoever is to blame, for previews to work right using the latest pan with recent gtk+, you have to apply this patch.

I think this is the patch:

found in walt's archive posting on 20 October:

Ok, I have confirmed that that is indeed the patch I had to use to get pan 0.132 to preview properly with "Gutsy".
-- David

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