Steve Davies posted on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 09:40:07 +0000 as excerpted:
I particularly like the Servantware references...
FWIW, I've been thinking, on and off, that I need to figure out some
reasonable way to explain that such references are a reflection of my own
ethics and value system and that I believe just as strongly that
attempting to force them on other users (the servantware masters deserve
what they'd get, after all, they're disrespecting my rights at least as
much as they expect me not to disrespect their rights to assert control
over stuff they wrote... obviously something they don't have to
particularly worry about, since I'd be unlikely to run it anyway given the
practical issues of trying to run blackbox software I don't trust the
ethics of the creators of) not ready to voluntarily choose them would as
equally strongly betray those same values.
It's gotta be a personal choice.