For those of you who have the need to use a Windows operating system...
<ob servantware="true">
Tested on Windows XP 32-bit, Vista 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit
There is now a new, built from the ground up Win32 installer pabcage
of the Pan Newsreader available here:
If someone with access to the website could spend 30
seconds to revise the Win32 installer version to 0.133, and to update
the old GooglePages link in the "Binaries" table to the one above,
that would be appreciated.
What's new?
- Latest GTK version 2.22.0 used/supported
- Spell checking now works for real :)
- Packaged as .msi not .exe (different installer)
NOTE: If you previously installed using a .exe package, you are best
to uninstall it before starting to use the .msi packages, as the new
installer does not acknowledge the older installs.
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