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Re: [Pan-users] Re: New version of pan ?

From: K. Haley
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: New version of pan ?
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 14:21:49 -0700
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On 1/24/2011 8:37 PM, Duncan wrote:
> Oh, and another long-standing feature request, but DEFINITELY nothing to 
> hold-up for as it has been around since before scoring (back then it was a 
> trinary kill/normal/watch, not the nearly continuously variable scoring 
> pan has had for years), so well previous to the 0.90+ series, would be 
> making scoring possible on all headers and the whole post after download, 
> not just on the overview data.  Such scoring wouldn't be as efficient as 
> over-view-only scoring, but it'd make possible such things as killfiling a 
> user who deliberately abuses from header changes to avoid killfiling, but 
> whose x-complaints-to, organization, and/or other headers or the body 
> content itself, remain consistent enough to filter by.  I've wanted that 
> ability for a very long time and there's a bug from I'd guess at least 
> five years ago posted to that effect, but Charles marked it "bluesky", as 
> something that would be nice... "someday".  Maybe I'll get lucky and get 
> it for pan 1.5 or 2.0? <shrug>
While there's no ui, the ability to score on any header has been in for
some time now.  As for scoring on the body....
> There is one very frustrating but equally long-standing bug having to do 
> with pan not seeing new posts in groups just subscribed (or freshly 
> visited without subscribing) if there are cross-posts between it and a 
> long-term subscribed group, that I'd love to have fixed before 1.0, but 
> I've not been able to sufficiently narrow it down or describe it well 
> enough to really form a good bug report, and as the bug has persisted for 
> years, I don't see that it's practical to hold up 1.0 for it, either.
What could be happening is that marking a cross-posted article as read
updates the read articles in all relevant groups.  This could make pan
think it has already retrieved all headers up to that article.  If so
then a work around would be to request the last x or x days headers
instead of new.

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