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Re: [Pan-users] Scoring

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Scoring
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:09:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.140 (Chocolate Salty Balls; GIT 6e6fd84 /usr/src/portage/src/egit-src/pan2)

Duncan posted on Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:13:44 +0000 as excerpted:

> I'll post a followup with parts of my scorefile, so you can see and
> perhaps copy the format-note comments I have, as well as see the format
> organization I'm using.

OK, here it is, edited a bit for privacy and length, but a reasonable 
sample.  Note that the single-colon : AND in the comments seemed to be 
broken last I checked; it seems to do OR just as double-colon :: does.  
As you can see I've not done any expiring scores in quite some time, but 
I keep them separate from the non-expiring as they can't be consolidated 
to the same extent.

% PAN scorefile
% Very close to SLRN's format at
% but with case insensitivity (not other differences) from
% xnews at

% [newsgroup.*] wildcard (not regex) format (~ negates).
% header lines regex. (~ negates).
% Score conditions, single : and, double :: or.
% Expires: immed. below score if present.
% Leading % indicates comment
% Leading whitespace and blank lines ignored.
% Regex and newsgroup matches case insensitive with
% keyword:, sensitive with keyword=.
% Newsgroup change delimits section,
% Score delimits "rule", multiple rules per section allowed.
% Comment after score becomes rule "name".

% Score levels: <=-9999 kill, -9998 to -1 low,
%               0, 1 - 4999 med, 5000 - 9998 high, >=9999 watch

Score:: =-9999 %Alt kill
        From: Seeking teens
        From: teens seeker
        From: sex coed
        From: NudeGirls
        From: teens
        From: intermixed
        From: rectal

        Subject: adult movies
        Subject: dupped
        Subject: ^\([-0-9/]*\)
        Subject: Use critical pack from Microsoft Corporation
        Subject: R/-\\PE
        Subject: R/-\|PE
        Subject: \(UNCENSORED TEENS\)
        Subject: rectal exam
        Subject: body cavity
        Subject: mature women
        Subject: mature
        Subject: drunk
        Subject: whore
        Subject: anal
Score:: =9999 %Cox Watched (Cox employee)
        From: <address@hidden>$
        From: ^Jay Munsterman <address@hidden>$
        From: CoxTech1
Score:: 100 %Cox Med
        From: C.M. Brannon
        From: ^Howard Christeller <address@hidden>$
        From: ^Sean <address@hidden>$
Score:: 5000 %Cox Hi
        From: ^Lenroc <address@hidden>$
Score:: =-9999 %Cox Kill (repeat-kill)
        From: ^"John Smith" <address@hidden>$
        From: John Shocked
        From: You Got Punked\, Bitch
        From: address@hidden>


Score:: =-9999
        %Score created by Pan on Thu Apr 26 01:59:31 2007
        Expires: 10/29/2007
        From: ^"snake plisken" <address@hidden>$

        %Score created by Pan on Wed Jul 25 10:58:05 2007
        Expires: 1/27/2008
        From: ^common_ address@hidden


Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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