In your screenshots I can see that Local Folders is missing. It might
be worth going to Help -> About to make sure that you're using 0.140
with build date 20141024 before continuing, and also closing and
restarting any instances of Pan.
First, more good news. I expanded your 0.140 version into a folder on my D:
drive and it ran like a charm. This tells me that Pan (like Xnews) is
self-contained, without spreading .dlls and registry entries all over the C:
drive like most Windows programs. I love it! Is there a way to put your
profile folder within the Pan run/install directory so that the whole thing
is independent of the C: drive and the Windows install system?
It might be possible to make it portable, but I hadn't really thought
about it until you mentioned it. It would have to be changed in the
source somewhere, so the build you have won't be able to do it as is.
I'll have a think.
One of the first things I noticed in my attempts to post files to Usenet via
Pan was the default "Thread attached replies" setting, to which many earlier
users objected when posting attachments. It appears that your build has
defeated that option entirely -- right? (It's still there, but whether I
leave it selected or deselect it doesn't seem to matter.)
Erm... that option should be working and does in my tests against my
news server for both off and on (default). I haven't tested it against
any other news servers though as I only subscribe to one that allows
binary posting. It might be a good idea to start over with a clean
profile to see if there are any problems with the old profile (close
Pan, delete or move out the pan2 folder from C:\Users\(Your
Username)\Application Data\Local and restart it).
This seems a like area for further attention. But I've discovered a bizarre
glitch in the subscribed group listing that makes me crazy. See the
attached snap1.jpg and snap2.jpg. In snap1 you'll see an odd gap between
the 1930s and 1950s groups--that gap is actually occupied by the 1940s
group, but it's blanked out. If I click on it in Pan, it appears, but now a
later group, alt.binaries.test, disappears (shown in snap2). And if I go
down and click on the gap where alt.binaries.test should be, the 1940s gap
reappears. Utterly bizarre. Have any of the rest of you run into this?
That sounds like the group text colour is white. I agree with Duncan
to check the group colour settings.
I'm a bit sad that you are having problems with my build so it might
be better to use Steve's updated installer to update your copy of
0.139. As the settings were copied, it should be as if you never tried
my build. However if you still want to try to get my build working,
please do (just make sure you mention it to prevent confusion).
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