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Re: [Pan-users] Building Recipe for Pan 0.143 for *bunutu 14.04, 16.04

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Building Recipe for Pan 0.143 for *bunutu 14.04, 16.04
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 02:39:49 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.144 (Time is the enemy; 0600d83be)

DLSauers posted on Mon, 11 Dec 2017 00:02:54 +0000 as excerpted:

> I am looking to find a way that future boxes I build can have Pan WITH 
> TLS/SSL support.
> We/I mainly use 14.04, due to systemd in 16.04
> The last few builds in a *buntu PPA didn't/still don't? include TLS/
> That one that I have being using with this is .139 or so, I think. 
> I am aware of the TLS/SSL licensing issue, I am not here to discuss or 
> debate that topic or its nuances, as we won't agree on this topic. I've 
> seen the discussion elsewhere on this group. Just leave it alone.
> I've tried to build this going the standard ./configure options route.
> FAILED miserably.
> So lets get this resolved for everyones benefit! Once its created then 
> the README, FAQ's, etc. on the various site(s) and files can be updated 
> to include this info, so everyone can compile this with out alot of 
> gnashing, and clogging up asking which stuff is needed. A complete list 
> of what they need will be included.
> Thanks.
> So going from the README:
> What are the dependencies to build Pan WITH SSL/TLS, spell check, on I 
> guess GTK2+, since I would mainly use them on a KDE based system.
> List packages ie: build-essential NOT general compiler utilities etc.

The below are the deps on gentoo, which almost always uses upstream 
package naming, so unless ubuntu names things differently... (The 
category, that is, the part before the /, is gentoo specific, the name 
should be what upstream ships as.)

Note that most binary distros will split what upstream ships as single-
package libraries in two, a *-dev or *-devel package containing the
headers, pkgconfig files, and other "build-time-only" components, and
another package, normally just named at the library without the -dev(el) 
suffix, that contains the pre-built runtime library binaries.  For these 
distros you have to have BOTH the runtime and build-time (aka *-dev 
package) library packages installed in ordered to build against that 
library.  Not having the *-devel package for one or more required 
libraries is in fact the most common "novice" error when trying to build 
a package from sources, so that's the first thing I'd say to check.

On a binary distro, the easiest way to get /most/ necessary packages, 
including the *-dev packages, installed, is to rebuild the shipped 
version, using the existing sources package (on rpm-based distros, the 
srpm, I've no idea what debian-based calls 'em).  That will of course 
install everything required to build it, so after that, all you'll need 
to do is install the optional packages for options it didn't enable (like 
ssl/tls here), and possibly, newer versions of dependencies if you're 
trying to build a newer version of the package that requires them.

So anyway, here's the gentoo list.  (The xxx? notation indicates an 
optional dep that will need installed if that option is to be enabled.)

This is for pan 0.142.

runtime (aka rdepend):

        gnome-keyring? ( >=gnome-base/libgnome-keyring-3.2 )
        libnotify? ( >=x11-libs/libnotify-0.4.1:0= )
        spell? (
                >=app-text/gtkspell-2.0.7:2 )
        ssl? ( >=net-libs/gnutls-3:0= )

Build-time = runtime plus:


(AFAIK yelp-tools is only needed to build the manual.  I'm building the 
git version here and don't have yelp-tools installed, without issue, but 
my git-build script doesn't hard-enable the yelp-tools/manual option as 
the gentoo 0.142 build appears to.  But you'll need gettext and one of 
the pkgconfig alternatives, whatever your distro uses should work.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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