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[Pan-users] Enabling spell check

From: Tom Tanner
Subject: [Pan-users] Enabling spell check
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 15:40:52 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.7.0

I'm building pan (64 bit), or at least trying to, under msys2 on windows 10

However, even if I run

   $  ./ --with-gktspell

Getting this output:


        Prefix:                 /mingw64
        Source code location:   .
        Compiler:               g++
        With D-Bus:             no
        With GMime crypto:      yes
        With GtkSpell:          yes (3.0.10 2.3.2)
        With GTK 3:             yes (3.24.33)
        With WebKitGTK:         no
        With GnuTLS:            no
        With libnotify:
        With password storage:
        With yelp-tools:        yes
        With user manual:       no

Now type 'make' to compile Pan

After running make, I run pan/gui/pan.exe, and it comes up, but it doesn't do any spellchecking when I start writing an email. So what am I missing? I installed hunspell and hunspell-en packages but that doesn't seem to be enough (though one of those appears to have installed /minggw64/share/myspell files)

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