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Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.158

From: Dominique Dumont
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.158
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:36:52 +0200

On Thursday, 18 April 2024 16:16:56 CEST glen walpert wrote:
> 0.157 and 0.158 both compile and run fine with Ubuntu 22.04 using the
> snap version of cmake.  The apt version of cmake is outdated and will
> not work.

Well, there's indeed a line with "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)", but 
I'm not sure that this requirement is really needed. It may work with cmake 

Could you remove this line and retry with Ubuntu's cmake ?

> , and oddly the -dev file for libgnutls30 is libgnutls28-dev,
> and a sudo is required for Pan install.
> To possibly save other Ubuntu users a bit of time:

This should be enough and will follow changes in Pan dependencies:

sudo apt-get build-dep pan 

That said, I'm not thrilled at the idea of documenting distro specific build 
steps because there's a lot of distributions that may need specific docs.

> Setup and build per instructions, but
> To install pan - (added sudo):
> #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results verbatim
>    sudo cmake --install std-build

I don't really recommend using sudo to install, unless you absolutely trust 
the software you're installing. Even then, installing from source is 
experimental and may wreak your system if I made a mistake in the cmake files. 
You should change the mode (or ACLs) of /usr/local to allow you to install 
there. This will limit the blast radius if there's a problem with install.

> Nice job, thanks.


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