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Re: [Pan-users] Please test replacement of gtkspell with gspell

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Please test replacement of gtkspell with gspell
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 22:41:59 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.160 (Toresk; f6084611da9c04acf84a587fb83be80805554401)

Dominique Dumont posted on Sun, 11 Aug 2024 17:14:05 +0200 as excerpted:

> To fix a long standing issue (#92), I've replaced gtkspell wtih gspell
> in

LOL.  FWIW my brain is obviously elsewhere today; when reading the commits 
I interpreted "post-ui" as one interprets "post-apocalyptic": post -> 
after: ??after-ui?? and it just wasn't making sense!  Took me /way/ longer 
than it should have (especially being pan where the context should be 
obvious, especially given the two-decades-plus I've been using pan and on 
this list, and my familiarity with several of the MIME/mail/news RFCs and 
news/nntp terminology) to figure out it was post-as-in-email/news-
message!  I /knew/ I was "somewhat" preoccupied and still tired after a 
rather eventful (in a good way =:^) "real life" weekend, but I didn't 
realize I was /that/ preoccupied/tired! =:^)

> This requires to install a new library (libgspell-1-dev on Debian and
> derivatives).

FWIW app-text/gspell on Gentoo.  I wasn't even aware the package existed 
until now and had to merge it as part of my pan update.

> Please test and report any issue with spellchecking when posting an
> article.

Seems to be working well; changed the ebuild dep, rebuilt pan which 
properly pulled in the new dep, restarted pan, in this reply all the 
expected non-usual words are red-underlined and it properly let me replace 
my "apocolyptic" with "apocalyptic" above, so seems to be working as 
expected both building and in-use. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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