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AW: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-5H NoFix Issue

From: address@hidden
Subject: AW: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-5H NoFix Issue
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 18:59:52 +0000 (GMT)

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply. Good to hear that it's not a issue with this general 
Got it from PPZUAV, I'm using a 11.1 V LiPo pack to power the TWOG, the GPS 
unit is attached to the TWOG via the pins 
GND-3.3v-TXD0-RXD0 of the gps plug.
Could you send me the 
u-center configuration file of your GPS unit? Just to compare it to mine.


----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----

Von: address@hidden

Datum: 05.03.2010 17:46

An: <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>

Betreff: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-5H NoFix Issue

Hi Nicola,

I am not too much experienced in Paparazzi, but my LEA-5H+Sarantel+Twog

works without any problem in spite of the fact that I am using a 7.6V LiPo

accupack. The hardware was shipped by CheBuzz.

Can you describe more detailed the power supply of your GPS?


> Hi Pat and thanks alot for your reply,


> It seems indeed that the issue is power-supply related, as the current

> indicator on the GCS shows way more

> fluctuation as soon as the GPS starts to look for its servers. Or is that

> normal?  See image;


> Notations to the image;
> 1) is without GPS connected... as soon as its connected it looks the same
> but voltage displayed goes up to 11v...
> tiny spikes, no drops
> 2) is the phase where the GPS looks for servers... looks nasty..
> 3) is after 2-3 minutes outside. Still some spikes and drops, but not that
> bad anymore
> I tried to change some power supply related settings in u-center, but with
> no success.
> Please tell me how you solved your issues Pat, external power supply just
> for the GPS? Are
> we the only SPK-LEA5H+TWOG users out there having this or similar issues?
> If yes, might this be related to defective
> hardware of some kind?
> Regards
> ----UrsprĂźngliche Nachricht----
> Von: address@hidden
> Datum: 05.03.2010 05:06
> An: <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>
> Betreff: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-5H NoFix Issue
> I've had a similar issue with that model GPS: I found, finally, that
> the current available from the power supply seems to matter. Check
> your power supply and make sure it isn't dipping down too far when you
> attach the GPS.
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:25 AM, address@hidden
> <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm getting a odd issue when trying to get a GPS Fix in the Paparazzi
>> GCS. In U-center I can get a 3d fix in ca. 30
>> secs no issues, but in the GCS it's never able to get a fix. It finds
>> multiple servers, the signal strength goes up
> to
>> ~40dB and after a couple seconds the signal dies again and the GCS moves
>> on to the next server over and over again.
> The
>> bars stay red until the signal dies, then they turn grey. In u-center
>> the message output looks great (to me), in the
>> GCS only some messages do display a value and those are pretty
>> unrealistic.
>> This is from my airframe.xml;
>> [...]
>> CONFIG = \"tiny_2_1_1.h\"
>> [...]
>> ap.srcs += gps_ubx.c gps.c latlong.c
>> I've tried to:
>> -reset the GPS module using u-center and load the config file from the
>> Wiki (

>> ) with no different end result.
>> -reset the GPS module and configured everything from hand per the Wiki's
> directions with no different end result.
>> -Flash the different Firmware Updates into the gps receiver ( 5.00 /
>> 6.00 /
> 6.02 )
>> with no different end result.
>> My setup:
>> Twog // PPZUAV LEA-5H+active Sarantel Geohelix Antenna
>> //XbeeProSeries2,2.4Ghz
>> If someone could explain to me what I'm doing wrong I'd highly
>> appreciate that. I'm stuck since days here.
>> If I shall post the message view output of u-center or my whole
>> airframe-config file just tell me what you need.
>> Regards,
>> Nico
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