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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Information about the autopilot Tiny 2.1

From: Roman Krashanitsa
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Information about the autopilot Tiny 2.1
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 11:10:44 -0700

Here is my opinion on this.
The short answer is no, you can not.
The long answer follows. The coefficients you listed are related to a control and stability model of the airplane. If you want to design control laws for you airplane before you actually fly it, then you will need all these coefficients and more. On the other hand, if you have a good test/safety pilot, then you can try adjusting your control loops while flying the airplane by changing appoipriate parameters in the GCS and, in turn, on the flying airplane. So, here is your choice: theoretical and computational approach versus experimental approach. Experimental approach may be very costly (crash and break your airplane) , theoretical approach may take long long time and may be not accurate after all (a control model is still just a model, not a real plane, plus depends on size and configuration of your airplane)
As for setup procedure, you can follow, wiki has mode details than I could possibly fit in the email.
I hope this helps you.
Roman Krashanitsa

2010/5/18 Ing. Niki Regina <address@hidden>
I have a UAV aircraft different from the UAV that Paparazzi shows in the GCS. If I buy the Tiny autopilot 2.1 do I have to design all the autopilot with the air data of my UAV?Maybe it is better If I explain this issue in a better way: i don' t want to waste time in a long period of collecting air data  of my UAV (Cl_alpha,Cm_alpha...etc etc) and I want to know if I can set the autopilot without all these datas. Eventually how can I compile the autopilot (I am oriented to the the twog or the tiny 2.1)?
Niki Regina
Laboratorio di Navigazione Aerea e Superficie
DEIS/ARCES II Facoltà di Ingegneria – Facoltà di Bologna
Via Fontanelle 40, 47100, Forlì, Italy.
Tel: +39 – 0543 – 786931
Fax: +39 – 0543 – 796934
Cel: +39 – 335 – 341218
Email: address@hidden
5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376

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