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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Ubuntu 11.10 ivy-ocaml issue & temporary fix

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Ubuntu 11.10 ivy-ocaml issue & temporary fix
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 14:29:15 +0200

Hi Gareth,

The ivy-ocaml in the ubuntu oceinic repository depends on a minor version of ocaml which has been bumped up, resulting in an error on attempting to install paparazzi-dev.

It would be good if the control file could be updated for the oceinic repository.
The offending ocaml-nox version is: 3.12.0-7ubuntu2
The ivy-ocaml package depends on: ocaml-nox-3.11.2
 I guess ivy-ocaml does not have to depend on exactly that ocam-nox version, would probably make sense to depend on any ocam-nox version higher than x.

Until this is fixed, if you need to install paparazzi-dev on 11.10 you can use the checkinstall created debian package below.
You need to install it before paparazzi-dev.  It's not signed, so if you don't trust me, don't install this package.

You can get it here:
MD5: 0635e297d364437c995d1b597d95e932

Nice, thanks.

There is also what appears to be a linker issue with the plotter:

gcc -g -O2 -Wall `pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags` -o plotprofile plotprofile.c `pkg-config glib-2.0 --libs`  `pcre-config --libs` -lglibivy
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ undefined reference to symbol 'pcre_study'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'pcre_study' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation

Hm... if pcre-config does not work anymore, could you test if using pkg-config for pcre as well works by replacing
`pkg-config glib-2.0 --libs`  `pcre-config --libs` -lglibivy
`pkg-config glib-2.0 libpcre --libs`  -lglibivy

Cheers, Felix

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