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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] MAVlab TU-Delft

From: David Conger
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] MAVlab TU-Delft
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 11:16:44 -0700


I can help with Booz, UmarimLitev2, NavGoV3, ArduIMU, BoozIMU1.01.

-- David

On Aug 10, 2012, at 7:24 AM, Bart Remes <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Paparazzi community,

As you know the MAVlab of the TU-Delft is one of the main developers of Paparazzi.

One of the things we want to test in real flight, is the compatibly of as many hardware combinations as possibly!!

What do we have :

yapa 2.0+ xsens (skywalker)
yapa 2.0 + Aspirin 1.5 on I2c carrier board (glass skywalker)
Classix + xsens (twinstar)
tiny2.11 + aspirin1.5 on I2C (twinjet)
tiny1.1 + ppz uav imu (microjetBR)
tiny1.1 + yai imu (microjetCDW)
twog + chimu-m blue on spy + lssam (gps) (easystar blue)
LisaM 1.0 +aspirin 2.0 (mentor) 
lisaM1.0 + aspirin 1.5 (Holiday)
tiny2.1 + IR (orange easy-star)

LisaL 1.1 +aspirin 1.5(quadshot)
LisaL 0.9 +aspirin 2.0(quadshot)
LisaM 2.0 + aspirin 2.1 (quadshot)

LisaL 1.1 + aspinin 2.1(asctec)

What do we miss:

Umarin lite v2

BoozIMU v1.01 (only SPI)
BoozIMU v1.01 (mag on I2C)

If you have one of these things that the MAVlab miss lying around, and do not use them any more. Please send then the MAVlab so we can test all the available hardware combination for paparazzi in  real flight!
When the hardware is integrated in an air-frame which you do not use any more you can send the whole airframe ;)

Thanks for helping the most versatile opensource uav community flying higher.

Kind Regards Bart Remes
Mavlab Project Coordinator

TU Delft
Bart Remes room 0.25
Kluyverweg 1
2629HS Delft
The Netherlands


Met vriendelijke groet, 
Bart Remes,
MAVlab project coördinator

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