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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: addressbook/inc/import Import_from_Outlook_-_Esp

From: Miles Lott <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: addressbook/inc/import Import_from_Outlook_-_Espa駉l,NONE,1.1
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 19:23:30 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/addressbook/inc/import
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv7381

Added Files:
Log Message:
New file from address@hidden

--- NEW FILE ---
// This file defines a set of functions and an associative array.
// The key of the array corresponds to a header in the source
// import file and the value of the array item will be used in
// the creation of the output file.
// An exported Outlook file looks like this:
// Title<tab>First Name<tab>Middle Name<tab>Last Name<tab>...
// <tab>Patrick<tab><tab>Walsh<tab>...
// Where the first line explains each optional field.  This is what
// will be looked up in the key.
// The array need not be in any order and any fields not defined will
// not be transferred.  If the val='+', the value will be appended to
// the previous field and any text after the '+' will be appended 
// before the value.  For example, the following would add a comma and
// a space between LastName and FirstName and store it in FullName:
//      array('LastName' => 'FullName','FirstName' => '+, ');
// Also start with a '#' symbol and a comma separated list will be
// turned into a number of the same entries.

        class import_conv
                var $currentrecord = array(); //used for buffering to allow uid 
lines to go first
                var $id;
                var $type = 'csv';

                /* Thanks to alexbsa for the Outlook fields */
                var $import = array(
                        'Tratamiento' => 'n_prefix',
                        'Puesto' => 'title',
                        'Nombre' => 'n_given',
                        'Apellidos' => 'n_family',
                        'Sufijo' => 'n_suffix',
                        'Organizaci贸n' => 'org_name',
                        'Departamento' => 'org_unit',
                        'Calle del Trabajo' => 'adr_one_street',
                        'Calle del trabajo 2' => 'address2',
                        'Calle del trabajo 3' => 'address3',
                        'Apartado postal' => '+ A.P. ',
                        'Ciudad de trabajo' => 'adr_one_locality',
                        'Provincia o estado de trabajo' => 'adr_one_region',
                        'C贸digo postal del trabajo' => 'adr_one_postalcode',
                        'Pa铆s de trabajo' => 'adr_one_countryname',
                        'Calle del domicilio' => 'adr_two_street',
                        'Calle del domicilio 2' => '',
                        'Calle del domicilio 3' => '',
                        'Ciudad de residencia'  => 'adr_two_locality',
                        'Provincia o estado de residencia' => 'adr_two_region',
                        'C贸digo postal de residencia' => 'adr_two_postalcode',
                        'Pa铆s de residencia' => 'adr_two_countryname',
                        'Otra calle' => '',
                        'Otra calle 2' => '',
                        'Otra calle 3' => '',
                        'Otra ciudad' => '',
                        'Otra provincia o estado' => '',
                        'Otro c贸digo postal' => '',
                        'Otro pa铆s' => '',
                        "Tel茅fono del ayudante" => 'tel_msg',
                        'Fax del trabajo' => 'tel_fax',
                        'Tel茅fono del trabajo' => 'tel_work',
                        'Tel茅fono del trabajo 2' => 'ophone',
                        'Devoluci贸n de llamada' => '',
                        'Tel茅fono del autom贸vil' => 'tel_car',
                        'N煤mero de centralita de la organizaci贸n' => '',
                        'Fax particular' => '',
                        'Particular' => 'tel_home',
                        'N煤mero de tel茅fono particular 2' => '',
                        'RDSI' => 'tel_isdn',
                        'M贸vil' => 'tel_cell',
                        'Otro fax' => '',
                        'Otro tel茅fono' => '',
                        'Localizador' => 'tel_pager',
                        'Tel茅fono principal' => '',
                        'Radiotel茅fono' => '',
                        'N煤mero de teletipo' => '',
                        'T茅lex' => '',
                        'Aficiones' => '',
                        'Aniversario' => '',
                        'Cumplea帽os' => 'bday',
                        'Direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico' => 'email',
                        'Direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico 2' => 'email_home',
                        'Notas' => 'note',
                        'P谩gina Web' => 'url'

                function import_start_file($buffer)
                        return $buffer;

                function import_start_record($buffer)
                        $this->currentrecord = $top;
                        return $buffer;

                function import_new_attrib($buffer,$name,$value)
                        $value = trim($value);
                        $value = str_replace('\n','<BR>',$value);
                        $value = str_replace('\r','',$value);
                        $this->currentrecord += array($name => $value);

                        return $buffer;

                function import_end_record($buffer)
                        while ( list($name, $value) = 
                                $buffer[$this->id][$name] = $value;
                                //echo '<br>'.$name.' => '.$value;
                        return $buffer;

                function import_end_file($buffer,$access='private',$cat_id=0)
                        $contacts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts');
                        //echo '<br>'; 
                        for ($i=1;$i<=count($buffer);$i++)
                                while ( list($name,$value) = @each($buffer[$i]) 
                                        //echo '<br>'.$i.': '.$name.' => 
                                        $entry[$i][$name] = $value;
                                $entry[$i]['email_type']      = 'INTERNET';
                                $entry[$i]['email_home_type'] = 'INTERNET';
                                $entry[$i]['adr_one_type']    = 'intl';
                                $entry[$i]['adr_two_type']    = 'intl';
                                //echo '<br>';
                        $num = $i - 1;
                        return lang('Successfully imported x records into your 

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