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[Phpgroupware-cvs] registration/setup phpgw_tr.lang,

From: gugux
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] registration/setup phpgw_tr.lang,
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 22:53:00 +0200

Update of registration/setup

Added Files:
     Branch: Version-0_9_16-branch
            phpgw_tr.lang lines: +0 -0

Log Message:
Added turkish lang file from #3486. Thanks to Serkan Cilingir.

Index: phpgw_tr.lang
account password retrieval      registration    tr      Hesap þifresini elden 
account registration    registration    tr      Hesap kaydý
address registration    tr      Adres
after you enter your username, instructions to change your password will be 
sent to you by e-mail to the address you gave when you registered.  
registration    tr      Kullanýcý adýnýzý girdikten sonra, sorulan sorular 
doðrultusunda kayýt aþamasýnda verdiðiniz e-posta adresine mail olarak þifreniz 
change password for user        registration    tr      Kullanýc þifresini 
checkbox        registration    tr      Ýþaret kutusu
current fields: registration    tr      Þuanki alanlar:
dropdown        registration    tr      açýlýr kutu
enter your new password registration    tr      Yeni þifrenizi girin
gender  registration    tr      Cins
i have read the terms and conditions and agree by them. registration    tr      
Tüm þartlarý ve terimleri okudum ve þartlarý kabul ediyorum.
name (blank unless text, textarea, dropdown, checkbox; else alphanumeric only)  
registration    tr      Ýsim (Metin, Metinalaný, Açýlý kutu, Ýþaret kutusu 
olmadýkça boþ býrakabilirsiniz; bunlarýn dýþýnda ise karakter girin)
order   registration    tr      Düzen
phone   registration    tr      Tel
phpgroupware - account registration     registration    tr      phpGroupWare - 
Hesap Kaydý
re-enter password       registration    tr      Þifrenizi tekrar girin
re-enter your password  registration    tr      Þifrenizi tekrar girin
registration    common  tr      Kayýt
remove  registration    tr      Sil
report all problems and abuse to        registration    tr      Tüm sorunlarý 
rapor edin
required        registration    tr      Gerekli
sorry, that username does not exist.    registration    tr      Kullanýcý adý 
sorry, that username is already taken.  registration    tr      Bu kullanýcý 
adý zaten var.
text    registration    tr      Metin
textarea        registration    tr      Metinalaný
the passwords you entered don't match   registration    tr      Girilen iki 
þifre birbirini tutmuyor
the two passwords are not the same      registration    tr      Girilen iki 
þifre de ayný deðil
type    registration    tr      Tip
update/add      registration    tr      Güncelle/Ekle
values (for dropdown only; comma separated)     registration    tr      
Deðerler (Açýlýkutu için sadece virgül ile ayrýlmýþ þekilde)
wrong session   registration    tr      Yanlýþ oturum
you have entered an invalid birthday    registration    tr      Geçersiz 
doðumgünü tarihi
you have entered an invalid email address       registration    tr      
Geçersiz bir e-posta adresi girdiniz
you must enter a password       registration    tr      Bir þifre girmelisiniz
you must enter a username       registration    tr      Bir kullanýcýadý 
you must fill in all of the required fields     registration    tr      
Doldurulmasý gereken tüm alanlarý doldurmalýsýnýz
you specified a value for       registration    tr      Bir deðer belirttiniz
zip/postal      registration    tr      ZIP/Posta kodu

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