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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Found a Bug

From: Joel Webb
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Found a Bug
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 00:54:26 +0000

Tony (Angles) Puglisi (address@hidden) wrote*:
>By the way, I was talking about the HEAD cvs code. Perhaps this fix, if it was 
>.12 branch, could be added to HEAD also ?

Tony, I am running the latest CVS code as of last week.

>Joel Webb (address@hidden) wrote*:
>>If you wrote the piece that makes us able to download file attachments, I just
>>wanted you to know that I was working with Win2000 IE 5.5 and IE 5.1
>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list

Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

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