I am involved in a project trying to find a replacement for the
functionality in the Star Schedule and Star Schedule Server that were
part of Star Office 5.2 for OpenOffice.org. Since OpenOffice.org already
interfaces with Mozilla (for accessing address-book data) and both are
cross-platform and open source, the Mozilla calendar is an interesting
The problem with group calendaring (to replace the functionality of the
Star Schedule server) is the calendar server. Since phpgroupware already
has a "calendar server", and can (or will be able to quite soon)
communicate in iCal, and support both SOAP and XML-RPC as transports, it
is a possible source of a calendar server.
Would the mozilla calendar hackers be interested in
-trying to add support for phpgroupware as calendar server
-adding support for features available in Star Schedule (for example the
ability to view free/busy time for all the participants of an event, and
easily schedule a meeting in the free time, ability to browse other
If so, how would one go about adding support for phpgroupware to Mozilla
Calendar? AFAIK mozilla has XML-RPC capability.
-How would one use this to send an XML-RPC request to phpgroupware.
-How difficult would it be to add another tab (next to "events" and
"search") in the sidebar for browsing other users in a calendar.
-How difficult would it be to add another "view" at which supported
seeing more details of an event (such as participants), or should this
be added to the existing event creation dialog?
I believe there are many people who are looking for a solution to this
problem, and while a real iCAP compliant calendar client and server
would be nice, support for iCal over XML-RPC or SOAP to phpgroupware may
be a worthwhile first target to attract users and developers.