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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] phpWebHosting

From: Jonathon Sim
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] phpWebHosting
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:01:39 +1300
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:41 am, Adam Hull wrote:
> Wow, so you have already implemented WebDAV support?! This is fantastic. We
> would greatly appreciate it if you could release your changes and keep us
> informed of your progress. I would also encourage you to get in touch with
> Jonathon Sim (address@hidden) who is currently working on the same
> challenge. Thanks a lot! I look forward to learning more!
Ill second that :)  Seriously though, webDAV (and especially the DeltaV 
versioning extensions) would be an excellent addition to groupware - there is 
decent webDAV support built into Windows (ie Explorer 6), MacOS and 
Linux/Other Unix (type webdav://<some host> in konqueror, or even mount it 
with DavFS), making this a great cross-platform file sharing protocol. And if 
you have already implemented it, all the better :)  

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