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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Problem with anglemail from .14 cvs

From: Guillaume Courtois
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Problem with anglemail from .14 cvs
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 13:04:49 +0000

Ryan Bonham (address@hidden) écrivait:




>>If you have lots of big files on your home directory, the email app tries to 

>>all the files as if they were mail folders, and tries to count the new mails

>>for the dropdown folders menu.


>Turning on "show new messages" on  the dropdown folders combox will cause the 

>app to become very slow. The caching in anglemail doens't support that feature

Good to know !

>There is a new version of anglemail that has much better caching and supprots 

>feature. It is anglemail per7-06 you can download it from 

>It is a test release so there are problems with it, but if you really want to 

>the number of messages, it is really the only way to do that without suffering 

>huge performance penalty.

Thanks for the infos ! I've turned the option off, I have no time to test the 
version right now ...

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