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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XML & Schema Proc

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XML & Schema Proc
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 20:38:01 -0700
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PEAR based projects are pretty much out for the moment. I spent alot of time trying to make this work for our users that do not have control over the web servers... and its really hit and miss.
So for now, PEAR just doesnt work for us.

ADODB is an option, but I dont think ADODB handles the same stuff we use schema_proc for. It mostly just replaces the phplib db classes we use.


Chris Weiss wrote:

how would this compair to using ADODB or one of the PEAR based projects?

Michael Dean (address@hidden) wrote:

Hey all!

In talking to skwashd about doing some schema proc work, I brought up
the fact that I have an XML definition for defining the database schema
that is used by DCL HEAD and GNU Enterprise.  What I'd like is to get a
feel for the level of interest in moving schema proc to run completely

from XML.

I currently have style sheets that perform the following:

* Create MSSQL XML command script
* Create MySQL XML command script
* Create PostgreSQL XML command script
* Create Sybase XML command script
* Transform a command script into a SQL script
* Transform the original definition into a DHTML schema browser

The XML command script mentioned above is just a series of SQL
statements that can be ran.

What this definition lacks is defining default data and upgrades.  It
should also be noted that a transform could be created to generate PHP
if one was so inclined.

I feel with the move to XML/XSLT in phpGW that this is a very logical
step to take.  It also makes supporting new RDBMS' a cake on the schema
side because you just write a new transform to translate data types and
such for that particular RDBMS.

I plan on throwing this into the wiki (with more detail) if y'all would
like to make a go of it.


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