I have not looked at the new xslt tpl engine, but afaik it has extra
functionality to do the tranformations.
Thats ok, but there is still no requirement (from my point of view) to
copy/paste the code
and modify it. It would be better to first use the phplib template engine to
fill in values
into an xml template, handle blocks etc. and then in a second step xsl
transform the resulting
xml document. So xslttemplate is for me another abstraction layer ontop of
the existing template engine.
I guess what would make sense (bear in mind i havent grokked any of the
template classes in depth), is to subclass the phplibs template to make
the xslt. I dont know whats different about xslt from plain html but i
can think of some instances from my limited knowledge (xml/xslt has
display logic in it, html has none of that).