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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Resources (was XSLT-version)

From: Brian Johnson
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Resources (was XSLT-version)
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:45:44 +0000

Dave Hall (address@hidden) wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 02:38, Alessandro Farina wrote:
> >
> > At the moment there are 206 open bugs on savannah... :(
> > All the developers should aim their work to reduce that numbrer to 0.
> >
> Again this gets back to resources.  Of the 206 around 20% are mine.
> When will I have time to fix them?  How long is piece of string,
> unfortunately the reality is that fixing bugs, providing support and
> keep things ticking over doesn't pay the bills.

I've got about 5 in there that I've developed patches for but not submitted
them yet

> >
> > My personal (very personal) roadmap should be:
> > 1) call for coding
> > 1.1) call for documentation :)
> >
> Docs are desperately needed.  Not just developer docs, but something for
> our end users.

I identified lack of docs (as many did) long ago and developed a concept (with
others) for a procedure that would allow editing and expansion of the docs by
anyone from the public (review would be done before the docs would become part
of the cvs).  This procedure includes creating and organizing of the docs to
allow online browsing and searching as well as supplying them with the source
code so that users/admins do not require constant internet connections.
Generally, docs are split into three groups .. user, admin, and
contributor/developer.  The user docs would be browsable by normal users using
the manual app for instance.

I firmly believe that the wiki and the procedure for developing and using the
docs as outlined on the wiki is THE best procedure possible.

We still need someone to develop a script to extract pages from the wiki and
format them for the manual app to use so that it doesn't have to be as much of
a manual process.  BUut maybe someone should start by evaluating how difficult
it is to do it by hand .. maybe it isn't that bad.

I have been adding to the as I encounter something new and I also dumped a lot
of docs that I got from multiple sources in there too.

If everyone could add some stuff once in a while (maybe even just dumping docs
in there from other sources .. like signurd could dump in a copy of the
property description he sent to the list) we can use it as a group-based
development area for the docs.

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