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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] opensync

From: Benoit Hamet
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] opensync
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 17:21:29 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061013)

Hi all,

Dave Hall wrote:
On Sun, 2006-11-12 at 07:26 -0700, Sigurd Nes wrote:
Hi all,
Could opensync be an alternative for syncing portable devices with

OpenSync is nice, but it won't really work for us.  OpenSync can talk to
our syncml server.  Their syncml server and client implementation is
coming along nicely.

I do a first port of the libsyncml to become a php module, using SWIG. Unfortunately, libsyncml is using callback functions in C, and transposing this to php is not easy (will need a lot's of work). I'm not sure if we need this functions or not, since I'm not a "Sync Ready Developer" ... So if some of you can explain me how it should work, I will perhaps be able to go deeper in the porting stage ...

You will find attached the syncml.i needed by swig :

Here's how to proceed :

- Get the libsyncml on svn for example and compile it, enable http transport and obex : for example ./configure --prefix=/tmp/libsyncml --enable-tools --enable-http --enable-obex --enable-bluetooth
make install

Using this installation, you run
mkdir /tmp/php_syncml


swig -I/tmp/libsyncml/include/libsyncml-1.0/ -outdir /tmp/php_syncml -Wall -php4 -phpfull -o /tmp/php_syncml/php_syncml.c -withincs libsyncml/syncml.h -withlibs syncml syncml.i

cd /tmp/php_syncml
edit the
comment the line with the empty =
run :
./configure --with-syncml=/tmp/libsyncml/ --with-php-config=php-config4
edit the Makefile
on the INCLUDES= line, add : -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
then, add the modules/ into the extension_dir of php4
enable it in the php.ini

and the libsyncml is more or less working :)
Not working for callback function, but if you can tell me what is needed, just ask :)


%module syncml
%include <libsyncml/syncml.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_defines.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_error.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_manager.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_session.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_transport.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_elements.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_command.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_devinf.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_notification.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_base64.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_md5.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_auth.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_devinf_obj.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_ds_server.h>
%include <libsyncml/sml_parse.h>
%include <libsyncml/http_client.h>
%include <libsyncml/http_server.h>
%include <libsyncml/obex_client.h>
%include <libsyncml/obex_server.h>

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <glib.h>

#include <libsyncml/syncml.h>

//This headers could be a problem ...
//If this is a problem, remove them from the list above.
#include <libsyncml/http_server.h>
#include <libsyncml/http_client.h>
#include <libsyncml/obex_client.h>
#include <libsyncml/obex_server.h>

#include <libsyncml/sml_auth.h>
#include <libsyncml/sml_devinf_obj.h>
#include <libsyncml/sml_ds_server.h>
#include <libsyncml/sml_parse.h>


Attachment: test_sync.php
Description: application/php

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