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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Proposal for method of using application-r

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Proposal for method of using application-related translation
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 22:03:22 +1100

On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 18:24 +0100, Sigurd Nes wrote:
> Hi all.
> As you probably are aware of - there is a new menu system in HEAD.
> The menu items are collected from all applications in one operation
> and cached for later use.
> However there is one issue concerning translation:
> There is a lot of menu items (the app property has about 110 of it's
> one) - and message_id's are bound to conflict across applications if
> all are placed in 'common'.

Before the menu change admin (admin.uimainscreen.mainscreen and
admin.uiconfig.index), preferences (index.php and preferences.php) and
the application name in the navbar are all generated using translations
from common.  It has been this way for a long time (the application
title was added in 0.9.16).

As I have explained to you in the past the translation policy is the

* if it is module specific it goes in the module lang file
* if it is used in a common area such as admin, preferences, navbar (and
now anywhere in the menu) it goes in common
* if the string is used in 2 or modules it goes into common

> as an example - 'project' does not have the same translation in the
> app project as in the app property.

I checked using your example of the string "project", Here is the
relevant output from 
grep -i project /var/www/phpgw-head/*/setup/phpgw_{en,de,fr,no,sv}.lang | cut 
-d: -f2 | sort

project projects        de      Projekt
Project projects        en      Project
Project projects        fr      Projet
project projects        sv      Project
Project property        en      Project
Project property        fr      Projet
project property        no      prosjekt
Project property        no      Prosjekt
projects        common  de      Projekte
projects        common  en      Projects
projects        common  fr      Projets
projects        common  sv      Projekten

The translation here looks consistent across modules and languages.

The only known conflict in the lang files I am aware of is the
translation of "addressbook" in the english lang files as its title has
been renamed to "contacts".  This is unlikely to remain in the final
release of trunk (aka 0.9.18).

> This problem (I think) is only true for the menu-translations.
> a simple workaround is to allow to ask for translations from a
> specific application.
> There is already a flag for this- but it is a boolean - and only
> forces to check for 'common'.

The boolean flag was done to fix a problem where the string was
translated in a module but wasn't in common.  This makes sure
translations are done properly.  

This ensures that only common is checked, which decreases the result set
size while keeping the code clean.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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