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[Pingus-Devel] Clanlib 0.8 has been released

From: Aggro
Subject: [Pingus-Devel] Clanlib 0.8 has been released
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 13:23:49 -0700 (PDT)

ClanLib 0.8 has been released (2006-08-05):

This should make developing of Pingus a little easier,
as we shouldn't need to compile the svn version of
clanlib to be able to use svn version of pingus.
(Those who know better than me, may correct if I'm

You will still need to compile the stable version,
unless someone does it for you. But at least we should
expect that new distributions will distribute the new
version in the future, which will propably make
releasing new version of pingus more realistic. After
we have fixed the remaining problems:

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