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Re: [Pingus-Devel] Clanlib 0.8 has been released

From: Aggro
Subject: Re: [Pingus-Devel] Clanlib 0.8 has been released
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 14:04:26 -0700 (PDT)

--- David Philippi <address@hidden> wrote:

> Will you apply the patches posted recently? IIRC
> you've got commit rights 

If I have commit rights, no-one has told me about them
yet. So AFAIK I don't have any username/password
either. I haven't ever committed patches eithers and
I'm also not very sure what exactly are those patches
fixing (at least the first of them), and I'm not that
familiar with Pingus yet either to actually understand
what kind of results it might have. It is a bit out of
my league. 

Of course if we don't have enough manpower (I assume
you are the only one?) to make sure that patches work,
we could just accept almost everything and then wait
for new pathes to fix possible problems with previous
patches. AFAIK there hasn't been that many patches
rejected in here, so propably that wouldn't change

I assume small amount of code review (just read the
code to see is there something suspicious) would be
possible to make sure that no intentionally harmfull
code is added. Possibly also simple compile&run test
to check for obvious errors. Without active people
with understanding of the project, I see no
alternatives, if we don't want to abandon the whole

Do you think this kind of review is enough? I assume
it would be better than forcing people to fork this
project and make things even worse.

And about time, I'm that having that very much either,
but I still try to read this list (not so many post
coming here anyway).

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