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[Qemu-devel] Re: Trying to run L4dope on Q/QEMU (OSX/ppc)

From: Gábor Bérczi (Gabucino)
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Re: Trying to run L4dope on Q/QEMU (OSX/ppc)
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:51:53 +0200

This issue is still present with qemu 0.9. Nobody cares about this?

On 2006.12.01., at 12:38, Gábor Bérczi (Gabucino) wrote:


I found a strange bug. Downloading this file (http://os.inf.tu- dresden.de/drops/download/drops-demo-floppydisk-current.img.gz), and executing:
i386-softmmu -fda drops-demo-floppydisk-20050815.img -boot a
then selecting "DOpE demo" option from grub can yield two results:

- on an i386 mac, it works
- on a ppc mac, it produces only black screen! (no matter what OSX video output)
Is this a qemu, Q, or gcc bug?

Didn't receive answer from Q developers, nor in qemu user forum.

Gábor Bérczi

Bérczi Gábor

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