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Re: [Qemu-devel] Possible invalid emulation of rex.W-prefixed far jump

From: malc
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Possible invalid emulation of rex.W-prefixed far jump
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 20:34:09 +0300 (MSK)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LNX 1167 2008-08-23)

3On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Brad Spengler wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm writing to report a possible bug in the qemu emulation of 
> rex.W-prefixed far jumps.  It affects far jumps of this type with both 
> rip-relative and absolute addresses.

Looks like it's a bug indeed, here's a test case:

#define REX
#ifdef REX
jmp_off:        .quad longproc
jmp_off:        .long longproc

jmp_seg:        .long 0

msg0:           .ascii "Hello\n"
msg1:           .ascii "Jump target reached\n"
msg2:           .ascii "Bye\n"

        .globl _start

        xor  %rax,%rax
        inc  %rax
        mov  %rax,%rdi

        lea msg0, %rsi
        mov $(msg1-msg0), %rdx
        call show

        mov %cs, jmp_seg
#ifdef REX
        .byte 0x48
        ljmp *jmp_off

        lea msg2, %rsi
        mov $(msg3-msg2), %rdx
        call show

        mov $60, %rax

        lea msg1, %rsi
        mov $(msg2-msg1), %rdx
        call show
        jmp back

To build:

gcc -m64 -o test -nostartfiles test.S [-DREX]

> The yasm syntax for these instructions:
> jmp far qword [addr]
> jmp far qword [addr wrt rip]
> and the resulting disassembly:
> 8:   48 ff 2c 25 00 00 00 00 rex.W ljmpq  *0x0  c: R_X86_64_32  .text+0x17
> 10:  48 ff 2d 00 00 00 00    rex.W ljmpq  *0x0(%rip)        # 0x17
> qemu triggers a gpf with error 0xfffc (presumably this is 0xffff masked 
> to 0xfffc by the & on new_cs from 
> target-i386/op_helper.c:helper_ljmp_protected())
> It's suspected that qemu is treating the far address as 16:32 instead of 
> 16:64 as it should, since the far address as laid out in memory is:
> 12 34 56 78 ff ff ff ff 10 00
> The far address is intended to be a Linux kernel address, so the upper 
> 32bits are 0xffffffff.
> If qemu is treating the 16:64 layout as 16:32, you can see why new_cs 
> would have the value of 0xffff.  The code only fails on qemu -- it works 
> as expected on real systems.
> I'm not familiar with your code-base so I have no patch for the issue, 
> but I thought I'd fire off a mail as I imagine it's a simple 
> oversight and easy fix for someone familiar with the code.

The code in translate.c (line 4573 and bellow) doesn't even look at REXW.

> Thanks for your help, and please keep me on CC for replies

Thanks for the bug report.


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