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​[Qemu-arm] Windows 11 guest Fast startup cannot work

From: 叶增软
Subject: ​[Qemu-arm] Windows 11 guest Fast startup cannot work
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:18:45 +0800 (CST)


I want to improve the startup speed of Windows VM. On the x86 architecture, QEMU's Windows11 VM can enable the Fast startup function, but it cannot work on the ARM architecture. In addition, Windows can also enable the Fast startup function on the ARM host. 

Is there anything missing in QEMU's ARM architecture for Windows guest?

My environmental information:
Linux 5.10
QEMU 6.2.0
Guest: Windows11 ARM

QEMU command line:
qemu-system-aarch64 -nodefaults -machine virt,kernel-irqchip=on,virtualization=off,gic-version=3,its=off -accel kvm -cpu host -m 6144 -smp 6 -bios /usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw -drive if=none,id=system,format=qcow2,file=/data/images/win11_disk.qcow2 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=system -device nec-usb-xhci,msix=off,msi=off -device usb-kbd -device usb-tablet -device ramfb -display gtk -name Windows -qmp unix:/tmp/qmp.socket,server,nowait -d all -D /tmp/qemu.log -msg timestamp=on 

Refer to the Fast startup link below:

Thank you.
Zengruan Ye

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