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Re: incremental rdiff-backup takes long

From: Jonas Schöpf
Subject: Re: incremental rdiff-backup takes long
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 16:10:08 +0200
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My drive is connected via USB.

Before using rdiff-backup I used just rsync, where the initial backup
took also quite long, but the following backups took ~20 minutes.

- Jonas

On 6/1/21 4:03 PM, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
> Jonas Schoepf <jonas.schoepf@uibk.ac.at> wrote:
>>  I understand that the initial backup is really slow and took more
>>  than ~10h for my 400 GB.
> I'd suspect slow reading or writing speeds. How are the drives
> connected (SATA, USB, network, etc.)?

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