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[Savannah-cvs] [798] update, add a reference to doc/cc-error

From: ineiev
Subject: [Savannah-cvs] [798] update, add a reference to doc/cc-error
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:22:56 -0400 (EDT)

Revision: 798
Author:   ineiev
Date:     2024-07-24 13:22:54 -0400 (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
Log Message:
update, add a reference to doc/cc-error

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sviki/FrontEndDebuggingTips.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/FrontEndDebuggingTips.mdwn      2024-07-09 05:42:07 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/sviki/FrontEndDebuggingTips.mdwn      2024-07-24 17:22:54 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-Frontend Debugging Tips
+# Frontend debugging tips
 This page details tips about debugging Savannah frontend (PHP code and such).
@@ -8,35 +7,25 @@
 Avoid meddling with the real public website as much as possible.
-PHP debugging
+## PHP debugging
-### Showing PHP messages + SQL statements in the web browser
+### Print messages to Apache log
-In the `savane.conf.php` file, set (or uncomment) `$sys_debug_on=true`.
+In the PHP code, call `trigger_error ("hello world");` to send the message
+to Apache log.  It will be the error log or PHP log, depending
+on your configuration.  See details below.
-This option will add to the bottom of every rendered HTML page the
-list of all SQL commands with source code information, and all
+To print a variable, call `trigger_error (error_print_r ($VAR));`.
-Call `util_debug("hello world");` to print additional messages
-at the bottom of the rendered HTML page (e.g. 'debug-by-printf').
+### Mailing error reports
-To print a variable, call `util_debug(print_r($VAR,TRUE));`.
+Error reports can be sent to email addresses specified in `savane.conf.php`.
+See the
+file in Savane source.
+## Dedicated development site
-### Print messages to Apache log
-In the PHP code, call `error_log("hello world");` to send the message
-to Apache log (note: it will be the error log or PHP log, depending
-on your configuration. See details below).
-To print a variable, call `error_log(print_r($VAR,TRUE));`.
-Dedicated Development Site
 For website setup according to [[FrontEndDevelopmentSite]],
 the relevant locations are:
@@ -53,23 +42,6 @@
 * cron jobs: (FIXME)
-Local Savannah Site
-When [[RunningSavaneLocally]], the following are used:
-* access log:
-* error log (STDERR):
-* PHP error messages:
-* group registration submissions:
-* tracker file attachments:
-* mail logs: (not sent? depending on local PHP settings?)
-* cron jobs: (no cron jobs)
 Public website
@@ -82,4 +54,4 @@
 * group registration submissions: `/var/www/submissions_uploads`.
 * tracker file attachments: `/var/lib/savane/trackers_attachments`.
 * mail logs: `/var/log/mail.log` (see [[MailSystem]]).
-* cron jobs: (FIXME)
+* cron jobs: `/etc/cron.d/savane`

Modified: trunk/sviki/RunningSavaneLocally.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/RunningSavaneLocally.mdwn       2024-07-09 05:42:07 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/sviki/RunningSavaneLocally.mdwn       2024-07-24 17:22:54 UTC (rev 
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 the images and icons will be missing.
 As of 2024, Savannah has been tested with **PHP versions 5.4, 5.5,
-5.6, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1**.  Newer versions have not been tested
+5.6, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3**.  Newer versions have not been tested
 but problem reports on any issues found are appreciated.  If you
 encounter errors, please write to <>
 and tell us about it.
@@ -39,282 +39,10 @@
 This results in the likely confusing mix of mysql and mariadb names
 which cannot be avoided.
-Install MariaDB and other required packages on the system.
+For basic installation, see the
+file in Savane source.
-    sudo apt-get install -y git autoconf automake gettext make imagemagick \
-        php-cli php-mysqli mariadb-client mariadb-server
-Savane makes heavy use of the SQL database to hold much of the
-operating parts of the web site.  Everything from navigation controls
-to the content text displayed.  Nothing can work without some type of
-database.  The first step is to load the initial database.
-In order to facilitate this a demo database has been created by
-trimming down a snapshot of the production database.  This
-intrinsically has undesirable risks of exposing real data.  It is
-desired to create a demo database from scratch using only randomly
-generated data.  Also this trimmed down data is still a very large
-amount of data.  It is desired that this demo data be as small as
-practical.  Perhaps you can help with this task item?  Until then we
-can only make this work using the current supplied demo database to
-seed the new system.
-    ## Setup database account "gordon" and "savane_gordon" database.
-    $ sudo mysql
-    Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
-    Your MariaDB connection id is 2
-    Server version: 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Ubuntu 22.04
-    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
-    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 
-    ## Create the database.
-    MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE savane_gordon CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;
-    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
-    ## Create user and grant access privileges.  Use a different random 
-    MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON savane_gordon.* TO 'gordon'@'localhost' 
-    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.016 sec)
-    MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
-    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
-    MariaDB [(none)]> exit;
-    Bye
-Create a MariaDB option file in your home directory.  This will set
-the defaults for your interactive access to the database.  This
-contains the password and therefore should have permissions only for
-yourself removing group and other access permissions.  Instead of
-"gordon" use your actual account name.
-    gordon:~/src/savane$ cat >~/.my.cnf <<EOF
-    [mysql]
-    database = savane_gordon
-    user = gordon
-    password = eXbVedcYWHydp9b5
-    EOF
-    chmod go-rw ~/.my.cnf
-Download the initial seed database.  Load the demo tables.  This
-"mysql" command will read the `~/.my.cnf` file above to use the
-indicated user and password and database.
-    $ wget
-    $ zcat savane_demo-2022-05.sql.gz | mysql
-For this local sandbox working copy we are going to be working in our
-home directory in a "$HOME/src/savane" directory.
-Get Savane code.  Configure.  Make.  Install.  Run local PHP server.
-    mkdir -p ~/src
-    cd ~/src
-    git clone
-    cd savane
-    ./bootstrap
-    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/src/mysavannah-www 
-    make && make install
-This will install files into `$HOME/src/mysavannah-www` and
-`$HOME/src/mysavannah-etc` directories.  Those will be used to run the
-local working copy sandbox server.
-Update the configuration file with the user name and password that
-were used above creating the database user.  Our example used "gordan"
-and a random password example.  In the source directory edit the
-`~/src/savane/local2/etc-savane/savane-dev-db.php` file updating these
-    <?php
-    $sys_dbhost="localhost";
-    $sys_dbname="savane_gordon";
-    $sys_dbuser="gordon";
-    $sys_dbpasswd="eXbVedcYWHydp9b5";
-    ?>
-This breaks the paradigm of running from the install directory
-somewhat.  All of the rest of the site is run from the
-`$HOME/src/mysavannah-www` and `$HOME/src/mysavannah-etc` directories
-but the local development "php -S" server uses the `local2/local.php`
-and associated `savane-dev-db.php` configuration out of the source
-directory.  This is done so that the `local.php` file can be
-customized for local development leaving the installed files set for
-larger deployment as Savannah is deployed.
-Start a local "php -S" server on port running in the
-terminal.  Tracing output from local server is emitted.  This terminal
-remains in use running the local development server.  This script is a
-thin wrapper to act as a helper script to check for errors and to
-invoke the test server.
-    ./
-By default this will listen on the localhost loopback device and not
-be accessible from the network.  If you are developing on a different
-system such as a virtual machine then you might need to make this
-available to your web browser by binding the port to the global IP
-address.  For development you probably do not want to make this
-available to the hostile Internet but if it is on a local software
-bridge such as with a KVM virtual machine then set the `SVHOST`
-variable to the IP address.  Here is an example.
-    env SVHOST= ./
-Once the PHP server is started, you'll see this message, with "gordon"
-replaced with your home directory login name.
-    gordon:~/src/savane$ ./
-    PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14 Development Server ( started
-    Listening on
-    Document root is /home/gordon/src/savane/frontend/php
-    Press Ctrl-C to quit.
-Open a web browser and visit <>.
-The Savannah website (with dummy values) should be displayed.
-There is an admin user 'agn' in the demo database, with password
-'12345'.  This is the same user as in the live Savannah and the one
-who originated these instructions several years ago and created the
-original seed database.
-At this point this local server is suitable for web UI development.
-Don't try to use the "php -S" server for public use.  For that you
-will need a "real" web server such as Nginx or Apache.  The "php -S"
-server is designed for development.
-Initially I strongly suggest to these changes to the Savane web UI.
-* Log in as the "agn" user password "12345".
-* Select "My Account Config".
-* Scroll down to the "Cosmetics Setup" section.
-* Set the theme to "Savannah".
-* Set the checkbox for "Use the Stone Age menu".
-* Submit the "Update" button to save these settings to the database.
-The reason is that the database default settings use dropdown menus
-that are not generally liked by current browsers making navigation
-difficult.  This is another excellent task item for contributors!  An
-improved default CSS style and theme for the web site to avoid the
-problems is needed.
-Feel free to play, to hack, to make changes, to try out things.  If
-you produce a feature you would like to see implemented please write
-discussion and patches to <> and tell
-us about it.
-Happy Hacking!
-## Web Server Setup
-Presently Apache has been well tested and is running the production
-web server on Savannah.
-Use Apache with a configuration like this:
-Listen http
-  ServerAdmin
-  ServerName
-  DocumentRoot /var/www/savane/frontend/php
-  SetEnv SAVANE_CONF /var/www/etc/savane
-  <Directory "/var/www/savane/frontend/php/">
-    # PHP conf
-    php_admin_flag register_globals off
-    php_admin_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
-    php_admin_flag file_uploads on
-    php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen off
-    # See
-    # regarding 'disable_functions'.
-    php_admin_value disable_functions exec,passthru,popen,shell_exec,system
-    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
-  </Directory>
-  <Files ~ "^(users|us|u|projects|pr|p|file)$">
-    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
-  </Files>
-  ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
-  # Restrict access into include/
-  <Directory "/var/www/savane/frontend/php/include/">
-    Order Allow,Deny
-    Deny from all
-  </Directory>
-  <Location "/register">
-    php_admin_value post_max_size 52428800
-    php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 52428800
-  </Location>
-  # Uploads for new group registrations and bug-report attachments.
-  # This directory must be writable by 'www-data' user.
-  # NOTE: Ensure this directory matches the '$sys_upload_dir' value
-  #       in the custom savanne configuration file
-  #       ($SAVANE_CONF/.savane.conf.php).
-  Alias /submissions_uploads /var/www/var/www/submissions_uploads/
-  <Directory "/var/www/var/www/submissions_uploads/">
-    Options Indexes
-    AllowOverride None
-    # Disable script engines
-    # Method 1:
-    #ForceType application/octet-stream
-    # Method 2:
-    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
-      # Tested with Apache2 + mod-php5
-      php_admin_flag engine off
-    </IfModule>
-    <IfModule mod_php7.0.c>
-      # Tested with Apache2 + mod-php7
-      php_admin_flag engine off
-    </IfModule>
-    <IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
-      # Not working with Apache1 + mod-php5
-      php_admin_flag engine off
-    </IfModule>
-    <IfModule mod_perl.c>
-      # Disable mod_perl
-    </IfModule>
-    # Disable mod_python...
-    # Method 3:
-    <FilesMatch ".">
-      SetHandler default-handler
-    </FilesMatch>
-  </Directory>
-  # PHP logs for development site.
-  php_admin_flag log_errors on
-  php_admin_flag display_errors off
-  # Set error_reporting = all errors except:
-  #   8192      E_DEPRECATED
-  #   16384     E_USER_DEPRECATED
-  # To include decperation warnings, set the value to E_ALL (32767).
-  # see .
-  php_admin_value error_reporting 8191
-  # NOTE: If no errors are generated at all, this file
-  # will not be created (which could be confusing at first...).
-  # Enable deprecation warnings (above) and the file will surely be creatred :)
-  php_admin_value error_log /var/www/var/logs/i18n.php-error.log
 ## More Information
 * [[FrontEndDebuggingTips]] for log files and PHP debugging tips.

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