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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] UPDATE: New hardware for *.savannah.gnu.or

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] UPDATE: New hardware for * and
Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 01:35:35 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.6.0 (2016-04-01)

Hi All,

Bob Proulx wrote:
> Could we learn how the uids may have changed?  For example were the
> file systems copied while mounted on a different system without
> preserving numeric ids?  That is what it is feeling like so far.
> Knowing that will help us know how to deal with the problem.

Ruben came online late tonight (while riding home!) and helped with
the problem.  It turned out it was exactly as guessed with an rsync
that mapped the uids.  Knowing this makes the repair straight
forward.  We just needed to copy the owner:group information from the
old file systems onto the new.

Ruben brought the old file systems online and took a 'find' capture of
the file uids and passed that along to me.  This was accomplished
using find like this to create a fix script.

  find var/lib var/cache var/spool etc -printf "chown -v %U:%G %p\n"
    chown -v 106:109 var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

This allowed me to apply the old uids back to the files on the new
destinations.  Yay!  All good now.

I tested on mgt first and then rolled internal and rebooted internal
so it is all done.  The others should be rebooted now to ensure that
all of the daemons are starting okay.  I will reboot those tomorrow
and finish up the cleanup.

> Thanks for all of the work on the systems!

Yes!  Thank you for the roll from the old hardware to the new.  Things
are improving!


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