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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] savannah's cgit seems to be broken or (wor

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] savannah's cgit seems to be broken or (worse) attacked
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 14:38:40 -0600

Hello Askar,

Askar Safin wrote:
> (cc me when answering)

> Hi. I just opened savannah's cgit (i. e. ).
> But links on this page are very strange. For example, here
> are the link titled "elisp-es.git":
> This is very strange. And this even looks like some attack.

That is very strange.  But I cannot reproduce this behavior.  I do not
see such mangled links when I look at the page.  I see only the normal
expected links there.  For example these which I select due to your
strings in the mangled ones you showed.

Might it be some errant web browser plugin on your system?  That's the
first thing I think might do it.

If it were not https then I would suspect a bad http proxy in the
middle as I have seen problems with http proxies many times.  But it
is https and in theory that will prevent Malware-In-The-Middle
proxies.  Assuming that you have not installed a corporate or
government https certificate to enable use of their MITM proxy.

I suggest trying a browser on an independent system and testing things
that way.  Please let us know if you figure things out one way or the


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