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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Please drop Bazaar

From: carl hansen
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Please drop Bazaar
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 13:08:05 -0800

On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 8:48 AM Alfred M. Szmidt <> wrote:

>    >>>> Hello,
>    >>>> Please drop Bazaar.
[ ...]

Sanity conservation notes:

on page  in the list packages for "bazaar"
the link  goes to
which is out of date, and replaced.

Meanwhile on
"bazaar" is  a completely unrelated package, an object-oriented connection
to relational databases.

The source for the source control "bazarr" is currently

"bazaar" is also known as "bzr" on the command line. It is a python2
It was developed on the Canonical  website known as

Canonical forked it, to rewrite it in python3, and renamed it, giving it
a cutsie name and command line name "breezy" and "brz"

brz reads the bzr format so they are compatible in use.

Also brz reads git and mercurical vcs databases so it acts as a
command line unification utility, which is  cool. Version 3.3.9 current.

on Debian the commands "bzr" and "brz" link to the save "brz" executable,
which is the breezy python3 version

Should GNU drop "bazaar"? Not really,
Just fix the urls and name on website, don't call it "bazaar" and
use correct link.

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