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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Renamer - The perfect tool to easily re

From: bounga
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Renamer - The perfect tool to easily ren -
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 18:42:14 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031107 Galeon/1.3.11a (Debian package 1.3.11a-1)

A package was submitted to 
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

Nicolas Cavigneaux <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Renamer - The perfect tool to easily ren
System name: renamer
Type: GNU

This project aims to develop a tool to easily rename files (on all file 
systems). It will allow the user to lowercase a list of files given as 
parameter, to uppercase it, to replace white-spaces with underscore, etc. Its 
goal is to be easy to use and allow to quickly rename a list of files without 
learning hard command like "perl -e /regexp/ ...". This software will be 
portable on every OS where an Ruby interpreter is installed.

A tarball is available at :

Other Software Required:
A Ruby interpreter

Other Comments:

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