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Re: [Savannah-users] Unable to upload release tarball to Download Area

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-users] Unable to upload release tarball to Download Area
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 12:22:15 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

Hello Asher!  And also welcome to Savannah.

Jan Owoc wrote:
> Asher Gordon wrote:
> > I'm very new to Savannah, and I recently added a new project, c2py
> I'm trying to upload a
> release tarball to the Download Area, but it is not working.

> If you go up a directory, you can see a list of projects that have
> folders, and c2py isn't on the list. It looks like you need to make
> that folder first, or ask a Savannah admin to do it for you.

Thanks Jan for the help!  You are correct that the directory was
missing and causing the upload problem.  This is due to a storage
back-end change made yesterday.  The short answer is that the Savannah
web page UI checkbox is broken at the moment due to it.  And another
problem too.  I am working on it.

In the meantime I have created that directory for you.  Asher you
should be able to upload to it at this time.  Please try it again and
let us know if it is working for you or not.

> >   scp c2py-0.0.1rc5.tar.gz{,.sig} address@hidden:/releases/c2py/
> >   Enter passphrase for key '/home/asher/.ssh/id_rsa':
> >   scp: /releases/c2py/: No such file or directory
> The fact that you are getting the latter message means that everything
> is correctly set up with your SSH keys. Otherwise, the error would be
> something like "authentication failed".

Yes!  :-)

> The "Download Area" link on the project page links to
> which redirects to
> but that page is
> a 404.

And that is bug problem for me number two to debug this morning.  The
mirror redirection is dropping the "/releases" part of the URL from
the redirection and therefore the resulting URL is 404.  This is
affecting everyone.  I am trying to figure it out now.

In the meantime files that have been uploaded and mirrored out can be
reached by selecting a mirror manually.  But of course for new files
they won't have propagated until the next mirror sync is able to copy
them out to any individual mirror site.


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