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[screen-devel] [bug #66003] Regression: harstatus string fails to displa

From: Alexander Naumov
Subject: [screen-devel] [bug #66003] Regression: harstatus string fails to display date & time, and fails to display colors
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 09:26:44 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #66003 (group screen):

From the man page. Regarding the "fails to display colors".

       An attribute/color modifier is used to change the attributes or the
color settings. Its format is [attribute modifier] [color description]. The
attribute modifier must  be  pre‐
       fixed by a change type indicator if it can be confused with a color
description. The following change types are known:

       +      add the specified set to the current attributes

       -      remove the set from the current attributes

       !      invert the set in the current attributes

       =      change the current attributes to the specified set

       The attribute set can either be specified as a hexadecimal number or a
combination of the following letters:

       d      dim
       u      underline
       b      bold
       r      reverse
       s      standout
       B      blinking

       The  old format of specifying colors by letters (k,r,g,y,b,m,c,w) is
now deprecated. Colors are coded as 0-7 for basic ANSI, 0-255 for 256 color
mode, or for truecolor, either a
       hexadecimal code starting with x, or HTML notation as either 3 or 6
hexadecimal digits. Foreground and background  are  specified  by  putting  a 
semicolon  between  them.  Ex:
       #FFF;#000 or i7;0 is white on a black background.

       The following numbers are for basic ANSI:

       0      black
       1      red
       2      green
       3      yellow
       4      blue
       5      magenta
       6      cyan
       7      white

       You can also use the pseudo-color 'i' to set just the brightness and
leave the color unchanged.
       As a special case, %{-} restores the attributes and colors that were
set before the last change was made (i.e., pops one level of the color-change


       i2     set color to bright green

       +b r   use bold red

              write in bright red color on a pale yellow background.

       %-Lw%{#AAA;#006}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<
              The  available windows centered at the current window and
truncated to the available width. The current window is displayed white on
blue.  This can be used with hardsta‐
              tus alwayslastline.


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