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[screen-devel] [bug #66142] Buffer overflow when using "-X stuff" in pre

From: Alexander Naumov
Subject: [screen-devel] [bug #66142] Buffer overflow when using "-X stuff" in previously-working script
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:01:07 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #66142 (group screen):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> This is on an up-to-date Arch linux system running the latest screen package
from upstream 5.0.0.

It's a good idea to report about it to the Arch bugtracking system first. Only
after it will be clear that problem is present in the upstream source code,
report it here.

I can't reproduce it. Unfortunately.
But it doesn't mean, that there is no bug in the new Arch package.

I will keep this report open. In case you provide more information or just
step-by-step scenario to reproduce this bug, I will be happy to fix it.


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