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Re: Screen 4.0.3 @ GNU FTP (existing release)

From: Jean-Yves Levesque
Subject: Re: Screen 4.0.3 @ GNU FTP (existing release)
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 13:08:20 -0400

I am probably more interested in knowing when the
next release (including the vertical split) would
be officially out (I am using the git version curretnly).

On 8/8/08, Adam Lazur <address@hidden> wrote:
> Jean-Yves Levesque (address@hidden) said:
>>   Are they the sources including the vertical  split or not?
> You could download the tarball and check if you're really interested...
> 4.0.3 is the release from 2006, so no, it does not include vertical
> split.
> --
> Adam Lazur

Je ne parle qu'en mon nom.
I am only speaking for myself.

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