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Re: Update: Re: Sudden instability

From: Jack L. Stone
Subject: Re: Update: Re: Sudden instability
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 08:35:10 -0500

At 08:00 AM 7.15.2004 -0700, Todd Lyons wrote:
>Todd Lyons wanted us to know:
>>I didn't notice it until last night, but the spamass-milter process is
>>now dying on me at fairly regular intervals.  Last night it was about
>>once per hour.  I have a cron job that checks status every 15 minutes
>>and restarts if necessary.
>>I will probably have to switch to CVS code because I need the -e option.
>>We have virtual users and I need to have per user spamassassin
>>configuration control.
>Update:  The system is ROCK SOLID now using a CVS snapshot from a couple
>of weeks ago.  The stability of the milter is better than anything I've
>tried before.  I'm not using the virtual user features yet so this is
>incomplete feedback.  
>Related, I've gotta figure out how to make a gentoo ebuild (I *MUCH*
>*MUCH* prefer building rpms, but that's another story) of the CVS
>snapshot.  Any takers on giving me steps to do an ebuild?  I've browsed
>the howtos, but it's not really clear on using the OVERLAY function.
>I'm muddling through it right now.
>Regards...             Todd
Updated to spamass-milter-0.2.0_4

Wish I could report the same, but, alas it crashed yesterday afternoon just
as before. It didn't quite make a 24 hour run.

Daemontools restarted it (monitors 5-sec cycles). No dump core found yet.

Frustrating as it now has an even much lighter load since the install of
milter-greylist and milter-regex. Am running at log_level 14 which shows
all milter activity as being normal.

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

Sage American

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