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speechd and software dectalk?

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: speechd and software dectalk?
Date: Sun Aug 13 12:52:46 2006

>>>>> "JS" == Jacob Schmude <address@hidden> writes:

    JS> festival isn't too responsive.  

What does it mean exactly?  Perhaps it's a problem that might be fixed.

>>>>> "TC" == Tomas Cerha <address@hidden> writes:

    TC> I remember we improved the responsivity by mounting /tmp to
    TC> ramdisk, howerver I am not sure if this hack could still help
    TC> these days.

That was a problem of a particular computer, irreproducible anywhere

Milan Zamazal

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   / \ /   o      \ / \   o      / \ /   o      \ / \   o     approaching!

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