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speech dispatcher connection fails to festival (another appeal for help)

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: speech dispatcher connection fails to festival (another appeal for help)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:26:56 +0200

>>>>> "SH" == Scott Haeger <scott at bashautomation.com> writes:

    SH> I recently installed the nightly snapshot of speechd and am
    SH> having trouble maintaining a connection to festival.  Here are
    SH> the debug outputs from both speech-dispatcher and festival
    SH> server.

You must load Speech Dispatcher support from festival-freebsoft-utils
into Festival.  I.e. put the

  (require 'speech-dispatcher)

line into a Festival initialization file, typically /etc/festival.scm
(the same file where you set server_access_list).

Hynek: I think it would be worth to put this information into Speech
Dispatcher's INSTALL and perhaps into the Festival output module hint
message as well.


Milan Zamazal

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