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SD crashes continue in libasound2 0.18 too

From: Nath
Subject: SD crashes continue in libasound2 0.18 too
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 20:54:40 +0100

On mer, d?c 03, 2008 at 10:21:58 +0000, Hermann wrote :
> On 02.12.2008 at 20:13:53 Nath <nath.ml at free.fr> wrote:
> [...]
> >> > Here I'm on Ubuntu hardy so with libasound2 1.0.17 and I have also
> >> > frequently crashes, in fact crashes happened every 1 or 2 minutes. I use
> >> > espeak module. I tried with espeak-generic module but with this module
> >> > the speech driver included in brltty doesn't read every lines when I use
> >> > the up and down arrows to read text.
> >> >
> >> Does it do this with Espeak? Did you activate autospeak in Brltty?
> >> Maybe check your espeak-generic.conf.
> >> 
> > No, It doesn't. It does it only with espeak-generic so I activated espeak 
> > again and
> > restart sd after each crash. Yes auto-speak is activated in my brltty
> > preferences. Nothing that I can modify in the espeak-generic.conf file.
> > In fact my current linux distro is not hardy but intrepid.
> That should make no difference. You mean, when using Espeak as Brltty
> module, everything is spoken, while it is not, when using espeak; did I
> understand right?
> If so, something with Brltty and Espeak-generic is wrong. I use Brltty
> with Espeak-generic and it works fine.
> Hermann
In fact when using espeak module with brltty's sd driver every thing is
spoken but with frequent crashes.
When using espeak-generic module with brltty's sd driver every thing is
not spoken. Another problem with espeak-generic, it seems espeak-generic
doesn't read french accented caracters


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