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[Opentts-dev] merging opentts and speechd was Re: Fwd: Re: OpenTTS 0.1 r

From: Bohdan R . Rau
Subject: [Opentts-dev] merging opentts and speechd was Re: Fwd: Re: OpenTTS 0.1 released.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 13:46:35 +0200

On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:05:52 +0200, Jan Buchal <buchal at brailcom.org>
> Brailcom has clear rules how the development is run.

Yes, very clear. Hynek Hanke's answer to my mail (bug in spd-say) was very
good example.
Only as reminder: Hynek Hanke answered after several days with something
like "it's not the bug".
In meantime this bug was corrected by someone from OpenTTS team, and some
hours after Hynek's answer the patch for speech-dispatcher was sent to
speech-dispatcher list.

> So, if anyone is interested about cooperation, we will be happy to work
> with them.

I _was_ interested. But now I'm not sure.

About two years ago I wrote module for Ivona synthesizer. Module was
included in 0.6.7 version of speech-dispatcher, but there was no
information on speech-dispatcher site. Even if I don't need to see my name
on this site (in fact, i couldn't care less) - information about Ivona
synthesizer was very important.

Now it's too late - Ivo Software decided not to ship Ivona synthesizer for
private use, and no official information about Ivona usability for blind
Linux users was probably one of reason of this decision. There are still
old demo versions of synthesizer and professional (very expensive)
versions, so you can simply test what we loose.

Now I'm working on new speech module (mbrola based - it should be good
Ivona replacement for Polish users) - how do you think, should I add this
module to speech-dispatcher and wait to next year until you decide to
publish it, or may be add it to OpenTTS and have it widely accessible in
weeks? For Polish users it's very important - in practice the only speech
synthesizer for Polish users is eSpeak, which in comparison to Windows
version of Ivona is not too much incentive to learn Linux :(

http://milena.polip.com/ - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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