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running speech-dispatcher-0.7.1 in system mode

From: Steve Holmes
Subject: running speech-dispatcher-0.7.1 in system mode
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 06:07:07 -0700

When I built the package in the Arch User Repository, I didn't really
do anything special.  Since in Arch, if you want the thing to come up
automatically, the user is expected to add the startup script
invokation to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf.  However, I would
suppose one would need to alter the value of the autospawn variable in
the central speechd.conf file accordingly.  Frankly, I never addressed
the problem formally.  I just make sure spd-say works from a normal
user before I startx to run Orca.

I should probably formalize this more for more predictable results.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 02:48:13PM -0500, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> this message is mainly going to packagers, but anyone who has any
> suggestions should feel free to reply.
> On gentoo, the earlier versions of speech-dispatcher could be run easily
> as root so that they could be used system wide.  However, the current
> release does not support doing this by default.
> This thread is not about discussing the merrits or lack there of for
> running speech-dispatcher as root; that is a whole different topic.
> What I am interested in finding out is what other packagers are doing
> about this issue.  Did you have speech-dispatcher in its earlier
> versions set up to run as root?  What are you doing with this new
> version?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> William

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