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Update to espeak.c: increase the max rate

From: Rui Batista
Subject: Update to espeak.c: increase the max rate
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 18:46:41 +0100

Hi Bill,
S?b, 2011-04-23 ?s 09:04 -0400, Bill Cox escreveu:
> The most recent version of espeak has some pretty nice high speed
> performance.  Storm Dragon listens at a rate of 675 in Orca with a
> slightly modified speech-dispatcher.  The current max rate is hard
> coded in espeak.c to 390.  This should be increased to at least what
> Storm uses.  I'm using 800 in the package for Vinux I updated
> yesterday, which means Storm uses 90% in his Orca settings.
What do you think about having this max-rate parameter configurable in
espeak.conf? I supose it would be better then hard coding it... I',
saying this because in my opinion 800 is really huge fast... I tried and
it was really hard to understand to get it back to 70% or something
because I didn't really understand what orca was saying through espeak.

Rui Batista
> This is a pretty minor one-line patch, which I've attached.
> Bill
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Rui Batista
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