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Mbrola, Orca, and Portuguese not playing nicely together

From: Storm Dragon
Subject: Mbrola, Orca, and Portuguese not playing nicely together
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:08:01 -0400

Howdy Y'all,

I am working on an improved espeak-ng-mbrola-generic module for spd. So far 
everything is working great, except for one small issue that I'm having trouble 

Spd with Fenrir, and also with spd-say works great with the DefaultModule set 
to the new espeak-ng-mbrola-generic file with the language set to pt-br. This 
is the language I added to the generic module  to speak in Brazilian 
Portuguese. However, when I fire up orca, which is set to use spd's 
DefaultModule, it doesn't speak. It speaks with all other languages I have 
tried, but not this one.

Does anyone have any clue what may be going on here?

Thanks for any help,
Storm Dragon
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