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Re: Speech-dispatcher dropping audio after switch to optical out

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: Speech-dispatcher dropping audio after switch to optical out
Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 22:11:51 +0200
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170609 (1.8.3)


Manuel Amador (Rudd-O), le jeu. 28 mai 2020 16:21:33 +0200, a ecrit:
> On 28/05/2020 15.44, Nolan Darilek wrote:
>     ExecStart=/usr/bin/play -qn synth whitenoise vol 0.001
>     Arrived at 0.001 after tweaking input and output levels such that I could
>     lower it and make the white noise less audible.
> For an improvemnt in your idea: play a constant track of, not white noise, but
> noise above 21K / below 22K, at the same volumes.

That feature has been requested before already, for the same kind
of reason. That could be integrated in speech-dispatcher itself,
allowing the user to choose the volume of the noise. It'd be a
matter of starting a thread that just produces random data at
the chosen level and push it to the audio module, I have created
https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/issues/346 , any taker on this?


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